• The population of Cedros Island is about 4000 people, most of whom are related. It is a quiet, friendly rural community. Cars are parked outside with the keys left in them, and kids run and play everywhere without the need for concern.
  • The boats we use are licensed for use in tourism. We always carry communication devices and let others know about our destination and schedule. Most fishing is done within a few miles from the island, and for trips to other parts of the island, for hiking and other activities, we travel near the coast. Life jackets are provided.
  • Our company’s policy on illegal drugs is “zero tolerance.” Do not attempt to bring, request, sell, or buy any illegal drugs while on one of our trips.
  • We are doing everything possible to provide an enjoyable adventure experience. Please let us know if you have any questions not addressed here – We will be happy to discuss your concerns. At Cedros Outdoor Adventures are among those who live and work in both Mexico and the U.S. You can be sure we would not choose to be here ourselves if we didn’t feel safe. We invite you to come experience the magic of the real Baja California and see for yourself!