Cedros Outdoor AdventuresAbout Cedros Island’s Ocean Environment

The waters around Cedros island are dynamic and different on each side of the island. Warmer waters are found in Bahia Vizcaino (east of Cedros) due to higher residence times, meaning that water from the California Current circulates and warms in this area. This increases the presence of fish that prefer warmer waters, such as yellowtail and other tropical and subtopical species, which can be very abundant in summer months.

If you want to know the current water temperature around the island during your fishing trip to Cedros, or to understand the dynamic of the currents in Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino, please go to the following link (daily updates from terrafin.com):  Baja Water Temperature Map and look for the image sample of Cedros Island there.

Our activities are dictated to some degree by the weather. For weather conditions updated every 15 minutes from the Cedros station (in Spanish) click here.

For the most recent updates on surf, wind and precipitation, we use the below websites in combination, which helps accuracy in evaluating rain, wind, swell, since some are more specific. They have detailed hourly forecast and that is why we prefer them.
www.windfinder.com search for Isla de Cedros Aeropuerto
www.stormsurf.com click on the mid peninsula on the map.

Here’s a link to  Mexico’s Fishing Regulations.

Mexican Travel Visa
The visa application online is in Spanish.

Mexican Fishing License: Instructions: Click here

Here is a good reference for the current exchange rate of Dollars and Pesos in case you would like to take some cash, although dollars are accepted very much all over Baja at a fair rate. During our trips we will stop at a exchange place where you can get some pesos to take to the island. We recommend $200 dlls as enough for beer, tips, T-shirts, etc…

Internet: There is internet on the Island but it is intermittent and slow.  Many clients use their phone’s mobile hotspot to access the internet.

Phones: There is cell coverage at Cedros Island. We recommend to call your cell phone carrier company, since some have good rates for Mexico and others don’t have coverage at this region. You can always use the lodge’s landline to make calls to the states (there is no charge).

Helpful link on how to dial into Mexico.
